So this post will be about clubbing in Osaka. During my months in Japan, I only went out two times and both times was because my friend Jaehee from Korea dragged me out haha xD. Do not get me wrong, I like to go out, but one thing you should know about Japan is that the trains stop at midnight, even if the clubs are open until 05-06. So if you do not have walking distance back home you have three options, either stay out and dancing until the trains start again, or pay for one hotel night, or sleep at Mcdonalds (which I did the first time lol).
However, the second time I went out was not planned at all. I was in my PJ and ready for bed (my boyfriend was coming early the day after so the plan was to go to bed early). But, around 9-ish Jeahee knocked on my door and was like "WHaat are you going to sleep already??" "Come on, I am going to a Halloween party in Osaka, we can just stay for one hour and then go back home". But of course, we did not stay for just one hour. It all ended me trying to stay awake the whole night and the take the train directly to the airport lol.
Tired me who got ready in 10 min
After the Halloween party, which was not so much like a Halloween party (it was a party in a basement with a rap group performing, we went to Namba and Dotonbori which is Osaka's party district. we met up Yui (from Japan), Hodeen (another friend from Korea), Zuko (from the USA but everyone thinks he is Japanese/Korean lol) and his girlfriend Kana (who is from Japan). Both Zuko and Kana were totally wasted already when we got there haha. We started at one club called Pure. Even if it was around 12-01 o´clock there were no people there... Be prepared, if you go out in Japan where everything is open until early morning, most people go out mostly after 1 o clock. It was the same the first time we went out. We came to the club around 12.30 an there were almost none people there, however, around 2 o´clock there was something totally different. You wouldn't have thought it was the same place, and you could amount not move instead because there were so many people...

Because it was so few people at Pure, we decided to go to another club called Ghost that Hodeen had told us was pretty good. However, he could not come with us because both Zuko and Kana was out of it, so Hodeen had to act "Daddy" for the rest of the evening haha. They all checked out for the evening and went to a hotel. So it was only us girls left who went to Ghost and danced until 05 before I took the train to the airport to finally meet P after a few months apart.
So a few last words and tips,
1. As a girl, you often don't have to pay any entrance fee to the clubs and if you have to pay, you way less than the guys + you often get tickets which you can cash in for free drinks. If you come really to a club
2. As a foreigner, you can buy a band which allows you to "drink-all-you-want". As I was not planning to drink so much, I did not buy this. But if you planning to stay out all night at the same club, I think it is totally worth it. I think for us girls it was around 3000 yen and for guys around 5000 yen.
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