Osaka and Harry Potter, Kobe and Cat Café
I was planning to write this post last weekend, but it has been super busy with studies and exploring Japan... 😅
So what I´ve been up to. Last week on Wednesday, which is my day off (I´m trying to go to different places every Wednesday), I went to Osaka. The main reason for visiting Osaka was because I wanted to visit the pop-up Harry Potter store :3 The decoration inside and outside was super detailed which was fun. The shop is called Mina Lima, they were the ones who made all the props (rekvisita) for the films. There was a lot of stuff I wanted, however, everything inside the shop was really expensive so I didn´t end up buying so much... But to just visit and see all the stuff made my inner "witch" very happy😉 If you don't have any plans to visit Japan, they also have a much bigger store in London (how Can I have missed this?) and an online store. I ended up being in Osaka until 9 o´clock hehe. I have also booked tickets to Universal Studios, can´t wait!!! For you who don't know, it´s an amusement park with roller coasters etc, but the main thing why I want to go to is that they have a Harry Potter world.
On Friday I had another volunteer event that I had applied for. This time I also talked about Sweden, but to middle school students (13-14 years old). They were from a small town in Shimane Prefecture. De var från ett ställe som låg vid bergen och som hade väldigt vacker natur. De hade också nära till havet men när jag frågade om de brukade besöka och bada där vart svaret att de inte kunde simma... I Sverige är det nuförtiden nästan en självklarhet att alla kan simma men här är det väldigt många, inte bara Japaner, som inte kan simma.
On Saturday I went to Kobe. Our family friend Seiko had invited me to a Crayfish party (Kräftskiva). She is a member of a Swedish-Japan society here in Japan who arrange some activities from time to time. It was fun, haven´t been to a crayfish party since I was little. There were mostly Japanese people there but there were also two Swedish families there. They worked at a company and one family had lived in Japan for two years. I also met a Japanese woman who is teaching Swedish at my school. Apparently, they have Swedish classes here, which I had no idea about ( still wondered over that Japanese people are studying Swedish haha). She wanted me to join a class sometime, one of her students will go to Sweden next year so she wanted me to talk to her. We haven´t decided a day yet, I have too much in school at the moment but I will keep you updated on that! The rest of the weekend I only studied and "laddade upp batterierna" for a new school week.
On Monday I had applied for another thing, photoshoot for Kansai Gaidais new flyers and the webpage. We took a bunch of pictures at the library and I really hope they turned out well. I kind of forgot that we had homework for the Japanese lesson that day, so I had to do that in the morning instead of getting ready for the photoshoot >.<' I and another guy was actually in most of the shots. It was kind of funny because he hadn´t even signed up for this, he had only followed his friend who he supposed to have lunch with and then they had asked him, while his friend who had fixed himself and all ended up in fewer shots.
Yesterday I also went to a place called Shirahma, but that one will get an own post because I need to get to bed now, I will do another photoshoot tomorrow so I will try this time to get more prepared for it.
Oyasuminasai (Goodnight) 🌟
Btw till de anhöriga från Sverige, vill ni ska jag fortsätta att skriva på engelska eller vill ni att jag skriver på Svenska istället?
Skyltfönstret till Mina Lima.
The door who was covered in a bunch acceptance letter from Hogwarts.

Inside the store
Inside the store, magical right?
Cat from the cat café, I named him Butter ;)
Just chillin
One guy who worked there, giving the cat som cat candy
One of the groups, super funny people xD
Got some goods for participating, fun memory :3
Daytime in Osaka (Dotonburi)
Night in Osaka (Dotonburi)
Some fancy building in Osaka.
Picture of us who did the photoshoot.
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